Saturday, October 23, 2010

1 Week in Buenos Aires

Howdy Folks-

So, I last updated you all when I was just getting back from Oktoberfest in Villa General Belgrano, in the province of Córdoba. That was about a week and a half ago, so I'll try to fill in all of the details. Let's just throw it out there that I haven't had a solid 8 hours of sleep any single night since before Oktoberfest, so my life has been pretty chalk-full of great things to do and it's likely I'll accidentally leave a few out.

The 12th-15th of October I spent writing two papers and doing all of the work that I did NOT do while I was drinking beer in Córdoba (understandable, right?) It was mostly school work and staying up late to get things done at the very last minute but it all turned out just fine. A few weeks ago I started volunteering in a place called Hogar de abuelos, which translates to Grandparents Home, and its been pretty fun going there.

The weekend after getting back from Córdoba we did another dinner with our friends from Germany on the Friday night and then I went home rather than going out because I had an early morning obligation. Saturday morning I had an inauguration at 930AM for AIESEC, a student run organization that sets up and sends young adults on paid international internships that can last 6 weeks-18 months. I recently joined the Buenos Aires chapter and everyone in the group is amazing. I spent all Saturday morning with them and then from 2-4PM we had our local committee meeting, so everyone in AIESEC Buenos AIres was there. Afterwards I went to La Plata to hang out with my friends that I had made the weekend before when we were camping in Córdoba. We all met up at Manu, one of the Argentine girl's houses and then we cooked an asado (the BBQ thing) and I learned the basics. Afterwards we headed to a house party that was different from anything I had ever been to before and around 6AM we got back to Marcos's house and the roosters were crowing us to sleep. The first of the two pictures that I've included are of my with Seba, an Argentine friend, the one who taught me how to grill a proper Argentine asado. The second picture is also from Manu's house and its just the majority of the group sitting around the dinner table.

( here is the album of photos from the night.

Sunday of that same weekend was Mother's Day in Argentina so we had brunch with Marcos's Mom and Dad and bought her some lovely lillies and then I had to head back to Buenos Aires becaues I had another AIESEC meeting at 6PM. I did get there just about on time, but it made for a long weekend. Monday morning I went kayaking in El Tigre, a city about 40 minutes north of Buenos Aires whereas La Plata is about 45 minutes south of Buenos Aires. Then commenced my finals weel. Tuesday I had an oral final and Wednesday I had some work to turn in and then Thursday I was scheduled to have a final. It ended up getting cancelled due to a demonstration that was happening outside the school and it being a night class so the other Americans and I went to an American bar and met some crazy English people.

Friday was my friend Rachael's birthday (22, on the 22nd = her GOLDEN birthday) so we went out to lunch in the afternoon, headed to a salon where we paid for her to get her nails done, I got my hair cut, and Julie dyed her hair. We then went back to my apartment, cooked a delicious frozen pizza for dinner, and then started our night. The last picture I posted is from about 6AM when we left the club this morning and the sun had already risen and it was broad daylight.

I clearly started writing this and left it for two days before I decided to finish it, so I'll polish it off now that it's Monday and not Saturday anymore. Saturday was a day for relaxing and then I had a meeting at 8PM followed by a dinner at 10PM with everyone in AIESEC, the organization I joined. They are some of the nicest people I have ever met, and they come from all over the world. For example I have already been offered housing in Ecuador and Colombia when I go there, even though I probably won't need it in either place. Sunday I went to the rose garden where they have a least a hundred varieties of roses. It is amazing and I will put up an album of photos from all of this in a few days. Have a great day folks!

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