Tuesday, April 19, 2011

75% over

I arranged to fly home July 17th, meaning I'll get in early morning July 18th to the MSP airport (10:30am more or less for those of you who are so anxious to see me that you feel the overwhelming urge to meet me at the airport! - oh, and I'm flying Delta from Atlanta if you want to look up my flight). I am excited to get home but the longer I stay here, the closer I get to my Argentine friends and the sadder I am to only have 89 days left with them. School is still school, and I have been making an effort to keep relatively up to date with my work-load. AIESEC has been great lately, and taking up a lot of my time. This past weekend was the induction retreat/ conference for the new members. About 60 AIESECo's went to the 2 days over night event, planned by my new 3 best friends and I. (Um, this is a bad sign, I am not sure whether that should read "and I" or "and me").... hmm, losing my English skills, Mr. Ford would be appalled.

Photos form the Toga PARTY!!!

I have no new photos, because my camera battery charger got stolen, what a shame, what a shame. I am hopeful that someone will upload a few photos from the conference from Saturday night though, because we had a Toga party. My toga was beautiful and I would love to share it with the world - so professional looking. Anywhoo, the conference went swimmingly and all of the newbies loved it, the oldies had a great time, and I slept 6 hours in 2 nights. When I got home on Sunday evening around 8pm I showered, skyped my Dad for 4 minutes to say happy birthday, ate dinner, and immediately went to bed. I continued to sleep for 10 hours, go to 3 hours of my 4 hour class, leave early, sleep the whole bus ride home, wake up a few blocks from my apt, get home and take a 3 hours nap. I feel like I am a whole new person now.

Tonight at 6.30PM i have Portuguese class and then tomorrow I have my Radio class and in the evening half way through my History of art class I am heading out for MENDOZA! Wine country in the Andes Mtns, pretty much directly west of Buenos Aires. Its an overnight bus ride and I am heading there with 3 other girls who are on my program and have been in Argentine since last July, just like me. We should have a lot of fun as there is great hiking, white water rafting, etc in the region too. I'm looking to make the best of my 4 days there as we are heading home Sunday evening and getting back early Monday morning, in time for my morning class.

Other than that, I don't know what more I can update. Nothing too exciting has been happening - School, volunteering with AIESEC, going out with friends and some cute boys, drinking lots of mate.... I dunno folks. I'll try to send some pictures your way in the near future.

A hug and a kiss. I'll be seeing all your Rothes in Door County!


  1. thank goodness, that was my first instinct. you take out the other people and say it as if you were the only one participating in the action, right?
