Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Getting ready for a year away from home

Hey everybody,

There has been a lot of pressure put on me to start a blog (I'm not too sure why anyone would want to know so much about my adventures but I'll give it a shot). I decided it might not be too bad of an idea to blog as a cop-out for keeping a journal, which I have tried to do numerous times in the past dating all the way back to 3rd grade. I never get beyond 5 entries before it tends to trail off and die. I am hopeful that this will be a little bit more successful and long lived.

Right now I am unpacking the things I remembered to bring home from my apartment in Madison before I repack the things I am not taking for storage and the few things I am bringing as luggage. Only 11 days until I am in the air on my way from Atlanta to Buenos Aires (Argentina for all of you who may have forgotten where I am headed).

More to come (maybe) once I actually get out of the country.

*I switched to this blog because I think it will be easier to manage*

1 comment:

  1. Cmon J keep it up, blog looks great! Whats up in BA, you know ppl already or is it a fresh start??
