Friday, July 30, 2010

two in two days

Hello world, I finally bought some leather boots! Sadly, they are short. Happily, they are beautiful and cost less than $60, are made of genuine argentine leather, and I am currently wearing them while laying in my bed.

Some funny things I thought I would share with you all:
1. Argentines try to exchange email addresses in lieu of phone numbers when you are at the bar/club. Bizzare.
2. There is a Buenos Aires pub crawl that happens about 2 or 3 times during the week where you get an hour of unlimited pizza and beer and then 1 shot at every bar for 60 pesos, ~$15. Whata bargain! It's overrun by foreigners, but there are a lot of countries represented and some natives do go.
3. Flowers off the street from a vendor cost less than $2 a bunch, and it's winter, so I guess they get even cheaper in the summer. I have plans to always have fresh flowers in my room.
4. Leather boots are not comfortable until they get broken in.
5. I may never come home!!

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