Friday, August 13, 2010

Friday the 13th

I survived a second week of class and the only school updates are that:

1. I am either going to take a second history class or a political science class, the international political relations of latin america.
2. I made some friends in my history of America 1 class, and one of them lives a few blocks away from me, and he got my number. We took the subte home from class together and then we made plans to hang out next week after class and he said he'd let me know if he did anything really cool this weekend. You gotta know that porteños are all about making plans and not following through on them, so we'll see what happens.

Updates about my life... hmm..
Last night was Thursday (obviously) and I went out to a bar called "The Spot" with my friend Brady, another Madison kid. It's owned by a guy from Boston and everyone who works there speaks english, so that was annoying when we got there around 12:30. There were a whole bunch of kids from our program hanging around because Thursdays are spicy wing night (1 peso per wing, about 25 cents) and its the only place here I've actually found spicy food. By about 2:30 all of the annoying Americans filed out and porteños started to arrive and Brady and I ended up having a really fun night just hanging out with random new Argentine friends. At the end of the night we had a hilarious conversation outside the bar with an English guy who was looking for a lighter. Can you say drunk!

This coming week two other girls from Madison and I are going to plan some type of trip for either the coming weekend or the one after. We'll take an omnibus (the cama [bed] style ones lay down flat, serve you wine and other refreshments, dinner, breakfast and have dvd players). Considering we'll probably be on the bus overnight and for at least ~10 hours its definitely worth it to pay 600 pesos to take the cama bus over the semi-cama, where you can't lay all the way flat. The destination is still under discussion - so an update will come once we've made set plans.

Current options include wine country (Mendoza) or the waterfalls on the border of Brazil (Iguazú) or just somewhere in the center of the country so we can get out of the city. It cracks me up that they serve you wine and also let you bring your own on the buses because there is a clause in the ticket sale that says intoxicated passengers are not allowed on the bus. So I guess you are not allowed to pre-game the bus ride, but you can get as tanked as you want once you get on the bus. Wines here are AMAZING. Malbec is a wine made in Mendoza and I've had the cheapest bottle available at a cheapy restaurant to a very expensive one at my host sisters house and they've all been pretty darn good. I was never a fan of red wine but Malbec has really grown on me, and I'll make sure to get a few bottles back to the US in my suitcases next year. Maybe even send a few back with every visitor who comes.

There is a study abroad 2010 Fall kick-off tonight hosted by the Buenos Aires pub crawl, an organization run by americans. It's 15 pesos for girls to get unlimited beer from 10-11 (which is realllllly early by buenos aires standards) and then there are free give-aways all night (including a 1 year membership to the pub crawl, which happens every night in different neighborhoods). That would be a pretty awesome prize because it costs 60 pesos for a night on the pub crawl. I've realized that I need to start holding clandestine english lessons so that I can bring in a little money rather than build up debt with my parents.

Money runs through my fingers here. I have had a lot of unavoidable expenses, like buying warm weather clothing since I brought really minimal clothing with me, as well as housing expenses such as getting my papers for my residence in line and buying lunch. Also, every time I have to do a reading for a class I have to either buy my own copy of the book at a random book store in the city or go to a pre-determined copy shop and get a copy of the reading. Which is really hectic and annoying because the vast majority of the readings aren't available until a few days before they are due/a few days after they are assigned. EVERYTHING HAS TO BE BOUGHT IN CASH which is driving me insane. Since I would rather use my credit card, but it's a little risky to bring it with me when I leave the house and things are often more expensive if you don't pay with cash, and most places just flat out do no accept credit cards.

Gotta go figure out my life for Friday the 13th.

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