Sunday, August 15, 2010

Nearing a Month (time flies)

Hola a todos-

Thought I'd post the link to my new photo album on here, so that you all can get a taste for what I've been getting into the past few weeks.

I went to the zoo today and I have to go back with a camera, because it's too bizarre to try and explain. There were about 250 muskrats just wandering around as well as 500 little rabbit/deer thingers and a buncha species of ducks. Wait until I can take photos - because I really CANNOT explain it.

Dunno why I'm awake, it's 1:44AM and I'm just bumming around in my room. May have something to do with the fact that I went out until after 4AM last night, 2:30AM the night before and 5:00AM Thursday, so I am accustomed to staying up late.

I'll post a FULL new post tomorrow after I get some winks. i love cats and trees.

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