Tuesday, August 3, 2010

classes finally

Today was my first day of class, which is much better than sitting through orientation but also much more stressful. I am currently undergoing a "shopping" period (they call is eh-shopping in spanish) where I have to try out a million classes (16 to be exact) and then end up picking 4 that do not overlap and that I think I can enjoy, understand the professor, handle the work load, and get a good grade (since my GPA is going to transfer.. rough). It's most stressful since I crammed all of my classes into Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday so that I can travel on the weekends and be gone long enough to get a real trip in.
I was scheduled to try 9 classes today, of which I was actually able to attend 4. I went to the Catholic University for a 9:30AM literature class, integrated with Argentines, which was great. Only problem is the class meets for 1.5 hours every Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday for only 3 credits!! (not to mention the Friday section starts at 7:45AM - it's basically asking students to stay out at the boliches until 7AM, get breakfast and then roll into class still tipsy from the night before.) My second class was for extranjeros (foreigners) as well as my third, but back to the second class. It's called An Introduction to Latin American Rights and the Professor is the bomb diggity. He told us that he studied abroad in Germany, so he knows that we are here to have a good time and therefore, he is not here to make our lives hard. The only assessments for the course will be 2 in class essays (each 2 pages at the end of September and October). He also told us that if its a sunny day out, we will most likely go get a coffee and sit outside at a cafe, rather than hold class formally. The best thing he said all day was probably that instead of meeting for 1.5 hours twice a week, we will at most meet for 50-60 minutes 2x/week (since talking for longer than that would puff up his ego).
My third class was a little bit more intense than the first two although it was also an extranjero class. It's called Argentina in the words of the 19th and 20th centuries. We will be reading a lot of historical writings as well as literary works from that period but once again, the class will consist of readings, writing 5 super short stories, and a LESS than ten page monograph (rough drafts required). Not too concerned about getting any of those bases covered.
The fourth and final class I was able to attend today (although I had to skip two other classes I wanted to try in order to attend it) was called Prehistory and Anthropology of the Americas - which has been intriguing thus far. Rather than the Catholic University (UCA - la Universidad Catolica) where I took my first three classes, this one was at the University of Salvador (USAL). It was a 2 hour and 15 minute discussion type lecture (from 8-10:15PM) with 5 Argentines who are ~my age --> ~my fathers age (he had gray hair and the same type of male pattern balding, and he may have even been older), 3 other American girls (only 1 from my program) and 1 German girl. The Professor seems very knowledgeable and she likes to make you think about the terminology used for EVERYTHING. (if it's suitable or if we really should be using another word - as in she told us that the class should really be called archaeology of the americas). I had a lot of fun in that class joking with the V.CUTE Argentine boy who is 22 and sat next to me, although I have a cold and kept making nasty snotty noises during the whole class period. We'll see if I've finally, independently, made my first real Argentine friend in the near future.
I just finished eating my dinner (an Argentine version of fish sticks and mashed potatoes) and I'm thinking of getting my flan out of the fridge for desert. It's only 11:36PM, I know, why am I eating dinner so early?!?! But I gotta go folks, gotta get up nice and early for my 8:30 seminar at UCA on Ancient Christian Lit. Ciao for now.

p.s. this damn cold winter weather gave me a cold, another girl from my program is home with a fever and a friend went to the hospital yesterday to get antibiotics for a cough. where the hell is summer! (the flan is delicious)

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