Tuesday, June 21, 2011

1 month mark

Cemetery in Humahuaca

Backbending at the salt flats in Jujuy

Jumping over the pool at the salt flats in Jujuy

Verifying the saltiness of the salt.

Next to a HUGE cactus in Purmamarca

A panoramic view of The Hill of the 7 Colors in Purmamarca.

These are photos from last week in Salta and Jujuy.

I'm back in Buenos Aires, after a fun long weekend in Uruguay. Yup, thats right, after having spent just under one full week in the Northwestern Argentine desert, I went to Uruguay. During my two full days back in Buenos Aires I finished a final project and took a final exam - grades in Wednesday (cross your fingers!). Uruguay was a Friday morning to Monday night trip, accompanied by my friend from AIESEC, Maijo (an Argentine). We took a ferry across to Colonia and immediately took a bus to Montevideo, where we were so kindly picked up by Quique (Enrique) a member of AIESEC Montevideo who ended up leaving us his apartment for the weekend. It was really awesome of him, considering we don't actually know him very well, and it worked out really nicely. We spentall day Friday and Saturday in Montevideo and went to a birthday party on Saturday night, before Sunday morning heading to the eastern coast beaches (Punta del Este, Piriápolis) and stayed in Rodrigo's family's beach house in Piriápolis for the night, watched the U17 world cup soccer game (Uruguay vs. Canada) and then had a long night sleeping.

Monday was very relaxed and we made out way back to Buenos Aires, getting home a little after midnight. This whole week will be study study study as I have my final exam of the semester a week from today at 9am. I am really nervous but confident that I have enough time to prepare well - although I do have to review over 2,500 pages of philosophy in Spanish. Hmmmmmm - could get tricky.

Next Thursday I am flying to Santiago de Chile and doing a week long trip around central and northern Chile before spending my last week in Buenos Aires. I'll get to see Santiago, Viña del Mar, Valaparíso, and San Pedro de Atacama.


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