Monday, June 13, 2011

five weeks and a quilombo

Currently I am marooned in Salta, the capital of the province of Salta, in the NorthWestern limits of Argentina. I was supposed to fly back to Buenos Aires last night (Sunday) at 9PM, but due to the second erruption of the volcano in Chile, the ash cloud hanging over Buenos Aires is making it impossible for flights to arrive or leave. We got switched to the 9pm flight tonight - but it turns out that we wont be flying home until Wednesday night at the earliest. I would have gotten on a bus by now, but I would then lose the $160 I spent on the return flight as well as waste about $100 on a bus ticket back. And the ride is 21 hours....... This is all overly complicated due to mutliple factors.

1. I have a final exam on Wednseday at 6pm
2. I have to finish a final group project for Wednesday at 3pm
3. I have a boat ticket to Uruguay on Friday morning at 12:30PM

hence the quilombo - which means an infernal mess in spanish from argentina.

The trip was amazing this weekend, the colors in the mountains are unbelievable!!! I cant wait to post my photos and show you all how amazing it truly was. For now, I got my hair cut and got waxed today and am just wasting away studying for my potential exam on Wednesday. We will see what happens. Maybe i WILL take a bus home tomorrow, to be back in time for my exam. We will see, we will see.......

Love and hugs to everyone and HATE for volcanos!!!!!

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